The City of Harrisonburg Comprehensive Plan presents a vision of what kind of community the City would like to be in the future and identifies steps to move toward that vision. The Plan is the central organizing umbrella under which other plans, regulations, and initiatives exist. The Plan establishes the preferred overall long-term vision for our community. The Plan is not a regulatory document but serves as a guide for Harrisonburg and it helps City and community leaders with setting policies and decision-making.
- 2018 Comprehensive Plan - Amended July 14, 2022
(All files in PDF format)
- Cover, Acknowledgments, Table of Contents [297KB]
- Chapter 1 Introduction [840KB]
- Introduction; A Community-Based Comprehensive Plan; Plan Organization
- Chapter 2 Vision and Goals [774KB]
- Introduction; Vision Statement; Vision Context and Framing Goals; Goals for Achieving the Vision (Goal Statements)
- Chapter 3 Implementation [434KB]
- Introduction; 2019-2024 Priorities (Priority Objective Statements; Revisions to Priorities; Amendments to the Comprehensive Plan; Implementation Goals, Objectives, and Strategies
- Chapter 4 Planning Context [2MB]
- Introduction; Population Characteristics; Population Projections; Chapter Resources
- Map - Historic Growth
- Chapter 5 Community Engagement and Collaboration [674KB]
- Introduction; Community Engagement and Collaboration Goals, Objectives, and Strategies
- Chapter 6 Land Use and Development Quality [2.85MB]
- Introduction; Background (Existing Land Uses, Zoning, Planned Land Uses); The (Future) Land Use Guide, Land Use and Development Quality Goals, Objectives, and Strategies; Chapter Resources
- Maps - Existing Land Uses, Existing Zoning Districts, and (Future) Land Use Guide
- (Future) Land Use Guide map 24"x36" [2.6MB]
- (Future) Land Use Guide map – GIS Map
- Chapter 7 Neighborhoods and Housing [1.39MB]
- Introduction; Background (Neighborhoods, Housing); Neighborhoods and Housing Goals, Objectives, and Strategies; Chapter Resources
- Chapter 8 Education, Workforce Development, and Lifelong Learning [1.61MB]
- Introduction; Background (Harrisonburg City Public Schools, Early Childhood Care and Education, Workforce Development, Lifelong Learning, and Higher Education); Education, Workforce Development and Lifelong Learning Goals, Objectives, and Strategies; Chapter Resources
- Map - Existing Harrisonburg City Public Schools
- Chapter 9 Arts, Culture, and Historic Resources [2.56MB]
- Introduction; Background; Arts & Cultural Attractions (Arts & Cultural District, Culinary District, Arts Council of the Valley, Harrisonburg Downtown Renaissance, Massanutten Regional Library); Historic Resources (Background, Historic Preservation Efforts, Harrisonburg Downtown Historic District, Old Town Historic District, Other Historic Resources); Arts, Culture, and Historic Resources Goals, Objectives, and Strategies; Chapter Resources
- Maps - Existing Downtown Special Districts; Existing Historic Districts
- Chapter 10 Environmental Stewardship and Sustainability [10.9MB]
- Introduction; Background (Geology, Soils, Topography, Urban Forestry, Vegetation, and Wildlife, Water Resources, Air Quality, Noise Pollution, Light Pollution, Environmental Performance Standards Advisory Committee); Environmental Stewardship and Sustainability Goals, Objectives, and Strategies; Chapter Resources
- Maps - Existing Land Cover; Environmentally Significant Areas - Hydrology; Environmentally Significant Areas - Carbonate Karst and Steep Slopes
- Chapter 11 Parks and Recreation [1.34KB]
- Introduction; Background (Parks and Recreation Advisory Committee, Parks and Recreation Program Needs); Parks and Recreation Goals, Objectives, and Strategies; Chapter Resources
- Map - Existing Parks and Recreation Facilities
- Chapter 12 Transportation [5MB] - Amended June 14, 2022
- Introduction; Background (Transportation System Existing Conditions, Master Transportation Plan); Street Improvement Plan (Planning Process, Project List, Project Prioritization, City Gateways, Corridor Enhancement Areas); Transportation Goals, Objectives, and Strategies; Chapter Resources
- Maps - Existing Street Network; 2018 Average Daily Traffic Counts and Traffic Volume to Capacity Ratios; 2040 Traffic Volume to Capacity Ratio; Potential for Safety Improvement; Map - Street Improvement Plan
- Chapter 13 Community Infrastructure, Services, Safety, and Health [3.32MB]
- Introduction; Background (Public Water Supply and Distribution; Sanitary Sewer Collection and Treatment; Stormwater Management; Solid Waste Management; Other Utilities; Public Safety; Local Government Facilities; Health; Community Infrastructure, Services, Safety, and Health Goals, Objectives, and Strategies; Chapter Resources
- Maps - Existing Water Service; Existing Sanitary Sewer Service; Existing Public Safety Services
- Chapter 14 Economic Development and Tourism [1.62MB]
- Introduction; Background (Labor, Income Trends, Business Investment; Economic Development; Tourism); Economic Development and Tourism Goals, Objectives, and Strategies; Chapter Resources
- Map - Existing Economic Development Incentive Zones
- Chapter 15 Revitalization [2.39MB]
- Introduction; Background (Downtown Revitalization, Rehabilitation, and Redevelopment, Retail Revitalization Zones, Neighborhood Conservation Areas, Corridor Enhancement Areas); Revitalization Goals, Objectives, and Strategies; Chapter Resources
- Maps - Potential Small Area Plans; Gateways and Corridor Enhancement Areas
- Chapter 16 Goal, Objective, and Strategy Statements [579KB]
- Comprehensive Plan Amendments
A Comprehensive Plan Map Amendment is the process of changing the Land Use designation on a parcel(s) of land from one designation to another as identified in the Comprehensive Plan. This is often done in conjunction with a rezoning in order to align the Comprehensive Plan designation with the proposed zoning classification of a parcel. Amendments may be initiated by City Council on its own motion, or on recommendation by the Planning Commission, or by petition of the property owner or owners within the area proposed. A Comprehensive Plan Text Amendment is the process of changing the text language of the Comprehensive Plan. Requests shall be addressed to City Council but shall be filed with Planning staff in the Department of Community Development. Planning staff shall transmit the petition to the Planning Commission for recommendation. The application/petition and the required fee shall be filed in the Department of Community Development in sufficient time to be placed on the Planning Commission agenda. A copy of submission deadlines is available in the Department of Community Development or found on the Planning Commission page.
(All files in PDF format)
Comprehensive Plan Map Amendment [207KB]
Comprehensive Plan Text Amendment [200KB]
Questions? Contact Thanh Dang, Assistant Director of Community Development, at 540-432-7700 or