Site Development and Site Plans
Development or redevelopment of a property may require comprehensive site plan approval. Such plan shall address design of site related infrastructure and improvements to meet City zoning requirements and the requirements of the City’s Design and Construction Standards Manual. Such plan will be required for any project including one or more of the following:
- Disturbed area (building, grading, utility work) greater than 10,000 square feet, or any disturbed area prompting a Stormwater Management Plan under Common Plan of Development guidelines.
- Construction, reconstruction, grading or other work proposed in any floodplain zoning district, regardless of project scope.
- Extension or widening of an existing street.
- Installation of a new street.
- Extension of, modification of, or construction of a new public storm drain system.
- Installation of a storm water best management practice (i.e. detention pond, bioretention basin, special inlet, ditches, etc.).
- Grading or encroachment upon a public water or sewer main or respective easement.
- Extension or change of a public water or sewer main.
- Installation or change of a public hydrant.
- Installation or change of a public water or sewer pump facility.
- Installation or change or a public water storage facility.
- Installation or change of a public water or sewer treatment facility or installation or change of a private sewer pre-treatment facility.
- Installation of water or sewer service connections, which in the opinion of the Director of Public Utilities, presents atypical concerns such that an availability/connection certification cannot be obtained.
- Utility installation within city right-of-way (scope dependent – refer to City Public Access Permit requirements),
- Any combination of site, building and/or utility improvements deemed by the City Engineer, Zoning Administrator, Public Works Director or Public Utilities Director to be significant enough to warrant comprehensive review.
Note that the bonding of certain work is required prior to issuance of any site-related permits. For more information, refer to the Site Development page or call Community Development, Division of Engineering at 540-432-7700.
Erosion and Sediment Control and Plans
Development or redevelopment of a property will require an approved Erosion and Sediment Control Plan and associated Land Disturbing Permit if the extent of land disturbance measures 10,000 square feet or more in area. Such plan shall address protection of adjacent properties and water ways from construction-period sediment impacts. The plan shall also address the impacts from, and proper management of, stormwater runoff generated by the development. Most individual single-family dwelling projects are allowed to proceed under an Agreement in Lieu of an Erosion Control Plan, which bypasses the production and review of a formal plan.
For more information, refer to the Site Development page or call Community Development, Division of Engineering at 540-432-7700.
Stormwater Management and Plans
Development or redevelopment of a property will require an approved Stormwater Management Plan and associated Construction Stormwater General Permit if the extent of land disturbance measures one acre or more in area, or if the project is within a larger Common Plan of Development. Such plan shall address protection of adjacent properties and waterways from construction period pollutant impacts. The plan shall also address the long-term pollution impacts from stormwater runoff generated by the development through the installation of permanent Best Management Practices (BMPs). Permanent BMPs must be maintained per the terms of a BMP Maintenance Agreement executed by the owner and the City. Most individual single-family dwelling projects are allowed to proceed under an Agreement in Lieu of a Stormwater Management Plan, which bypasses the production and review of a formal plan.
For more information, refer to the Site Development page or call Community Development, Division of Engineering at 540-432-7700.
Design and Construction Standards Manual (DCSM)
The City DCSM establishes site design and construction standards for projects within the City. The manual includes detailed specifications for:
- General Site Development
- Drainage
- Erosion and Sediment Control
- Stormwater Management and Maintenance
- Parking Lots and Travelways
- Pedestrian and Bicycle Accommodations
- Public and Private Streets
- Site Lighting
- Emergency Access and Fire Protection
- Water and Sewer System and Service Connections
- Dedication of Easements for Certain Infrastructure
- Site Plan Content Requirements
Find more information online or call Community Development, Division of Engineering at 540-432-7700.